Being 30 years old is weird. You transit from a wide-eyed fresh graduate who tasted money for the first time to a seasoned adult who is constantly managing your finances while planning for retirement. In this short period, you could have faced multiple milestones such as BTO-ing your first flat, […]
A Complete Guide To Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB) 2025
What are Singapore Savings Bonds (SSB)? Simply put, Singapore Saving Bonds (SSB) is a type of Singapore Government Securities (SGS) that is suitable for individual investors like us to invest. SSB is fully backed by the Singapore Government, which means you can get your capital back in full with no […]
Buying a Car In Singapore? This is Why We Decided Not To
Car used to be seen as an essential in my adult life when i was young. Especially when the MRT system was not as advanced and extensive, and bus routes were usually ply with many stops, and not all buses are air-conditioned (yes, i lived through that era!), car seems […]
55 Years Old and Above? What Happens if You Sell Your HDB?
Continuing our previous post, How Much Can You Receive in Cash and CPF Once You Sell Your HDB?, does anything change if you are above 55 years old? What will happen to your CPF if you sell your HDB? Can you purchase another flat using your CPF once you sell […]
How Much Must You Earn to Afford a Landed Property?
Landed property are considered exclusive in Singapore due to the scarcity and the limitations placed upon them. In fact, only Singaporeans and Permanent Residents (PR) of at least 5 years are allowed to purchase a landed property in Singapore. According to a research done by ValueChampion in 2018, only the […]
Is Million Dollar HDB Worth the Money Spent?
Despite the economic downturn, transactions of million dollar HDB is still popping up in the news. From old HDBs to HDBs in new towns, these flats are no longer those that just MOP and are located in prime districts. Would you forked out $1million of your hard earn money for […]