In Singapore, it is common for children to stay with their parents until they marry and get their own apartment. However, for those who choose to remain single by choice, or who have not found their dream half, they may have to wait until they are 35 years old to […]
How much must you earn to afford an Executive Condominium (EC)?
Update: Read here for the 2020 Edition of How much must you earn to afford an Executive Condominium (EC)!! Hundred Palms EC sold in a matter of hours! Wow! This makes Hundred Palms EC the most oversubscribed executive condominium in history. In fact, it was sold out so quickly that it […]
How much does a Executive Condo (EC) really cost?
Condominium (Condos) always look so classy. Coupled with the oh-so-fabulous swimming pool, BBQ pits, and gym all within steps away, it’s really a dream home for any. However, we all know that everything has a price tag, and condos have a pretty hefty one. Especially for young couples who have only […]